Pest Control FAQ

What kind of pests generally invade households and businesses?

The most common pests found invading residential and commercial buildings in the greater Clear Lake area are Termites, Rodents, Ants, Bees/Wasp, Fleas, Ticks, Cockroaches, Spiders, Earwigs, Springtails and Mosquitos.

Where are all these pests coming from? I keep my house or business clean!

It is sometimes hard to remember that pests are not invading your home or business just to be annoying. Most bugs only come inside when their outside environment becomes less hospitable, such as when the hot summer sun dries out the earth or when heavy rains or cold winter conditions become threatening to their survival. Rats and Mice and other Wild Life especially seek warmth and comfort in the winter time. They seek refuge as well as food and nesting materials, which are abundance in residential and commercial kitchens. As clean as your home or business is, it is not safe from pets seeking a warm and well stocked refuge.

What are the most common signs of pest infestation?

Unwanted pests living in your home or business may not be noticed right away, but will invariably leave evidence of their presence at some point. Different pests leave different clues, but the most common clues to look for are droppings from mice and rats, wood shaving and holes in your walls from termites, and cockroach nests in secluded areas such as behind cabinets, baseboards and in cracks behind sinks, water heaters or door frames.

Where do bed bugs come from? I know I shouldn't let them bite, but they are!

Bed bugs are hitchhikers. This means that someone brought them back to your house from an outside source. This can be a visitor or a family member, or even one of your pets back from a visit to the vet. Bed bugs may sound funny when mentioned in the popular bed time parting ritual, but in reality, they are a very real and threatening nuisance to you and your family. If you suspect you have bed bugs (as can be evidenced by tiny, red bites on your body), do not delay and call Enviro-Pest Management LLC today. This is not only for your own safety and health, but that of any friend or family member you might visit in the future.

I think I may have a pest infestation problem, but I'm not sure I can afford to pay for your services. What can I do?

Enviro-Pest Management LLC is happy to work with you to take care of your pest infestation problem according to your budget. Our pest control specialists believe that no one should have to live with the threat and stress of harboring pests of any kind in their home or business, so our pest control specialists will do our very best to find a way to help you get rid of your pests without breaking the bank.

Are your products safe for my children, pets and customers?

Enviro-Pest Management LLC only uses products that are safe to humans, pets and the environment, which result in superior pest management results using fewer chemicals.